Cameron Street Boxing Club
There are businesses in the community, and then there are businesses for the community. Cameron Street Boxing Club is the latter. It’s a place every community needs, and Harrisburg PA is lucky to have just a place. Mr. Clark and his gym has been watching out for the city for years, and we salute him.
Community Business
The Cameron Street Boxing Club is brought to you by a man who worked 13-hour days to build a legacy, and a place for the youth to grow. Mr. Ricky Clark has been serving the community and its youth for over a decade, and he doesn’t seem likely to stop anytime soon.
Mr. Clark has a legacy that follows him wherever he goes, but he refuses to leave the city of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. The community has been a part of his life and the community couldn’t be in better hands.
His hands built his life one punch at a time. He fought until he was 50, when he decided to open his own gym and train up-and-coming boxers. Beginning in an old warehouse and jumping from location to location, the boxing gym finally moved to the skeleton of an old Goodwill store. You can’t expect a man who beat cancer to fail and fail he did not.
What They Stand For
Respect, acceptance and camaraderie are the primary values Clark works to instill in fighters. He wants his gym to be unique. Clark has been helping kids stay out of trouble and in the ring at a pace most younger people would crumble under. His advise, and guidance has led countless youth in a positive direction, this is what separates his gym from the everyday walk in and punch facility. He actually teaches more than boxing, he teaches Life lessons.
“When you walk into another gym, people barely speak to you. They got this persona, they gotta be tough,” Clark said. “But not these guys. These guys will greet you at the door.”
Cameron Street Boxing Club is home to boxers from all walks of life, Clark explained. There are more than 80 members from a range of demographics and even countries. Italy, Jamaica, Morocco, and the Dominican Republic are a few of the flags waving from the ceiling around the ring. Boxers at Cameron Street are all at different levels as athletes, some boxing for recreation, others for sport, but most seem to be boxing to fulfill a passion.
He usually enters the gym at 11 a.m, and Clark rarely heads home before midnight. Through Harrisburg’s ups and downs, he’s been in that gym training fighters. Clark believes this is the best shape the gym has ever been in. They’ve got the essentials. A new ring to fight in, bags to punch, and a fresh coat of paint. Not to mention local, state and national champs in their midst. Mr. Clark is here for the city, and the city is very lucky to have him.
Check out Cameron Street Boxing Club is located at 627 N. Cameron St., Harrisburg. And help us give a big THANK YOU to Mr. Ricky Clark.