Lamb Burger- Sun Dried Pesto with Maple Glazed Carrots

Check out the Findaballer Cookbook and feast your eyes on the delicious Lamb Burger with all the fixings!


Lamb Burger

Lamb is a rich source of many vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamin B12. Important for blood formation and brain function. Animal-derived foods are rich in this vitamin, whereas vegan diets lack it. Deficiency may cause anemia and neurological damage.
  • Selenium. Meat is often a rich source of selenium, though this depends on the feed of the source animal. Selenium has various important functions in the body (13Trusted Source).
  • Zinc. Zinc is usually much better absorbed from meat than plants. It’s an essential mineral important for growth and the formation of hormones, such as insulin and testosterone.
  • Niacin. Also called vitamin B3, niacin serves a variety of important functions in your body. Inadequate intake has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease (14Trusted Source).
  • Phosphorus. Found in most foods, phosphorus is essential for body growth and maintenance.
  • Iron. Lamb is rich in iron, mostly in the form of heme iron, which is highly bioavailable and absorbed more efficiently than non-heme iron found in plants (15Trusted Source). (Source)

Maple Glazed Carrots

Carrots are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially biotin, potassium, and vitamins A (from beta carotene), K1 (phylloquinone), and B6.

  • Vitamin A: Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. This nutrient promotes good vision and is important for growth, development, and immune function (15Trusted Source).
  • Biotin: A B vitamin formerly known as vitamin H, biotin plays an important role in fat and protein metabolism (16Trusted Source).
  • Vitamin K1: Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is important for blood coagulation and can promote bone health (17Trusted Source18).
  • Potassium: An essential mineral, potassium is important for blood pressure control.
  • Vitamin B6: A group of related vitamins, B6 is involved in the conversion of food into energy.

High in Antioxidants

  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and have been studied for their potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and certain types of cancer (2Trusted Source9Trusted Source).
  • Carotenoids: Carotenoids are proven to promote heart health and may also reduce the risk of eye-related disorders, such as macular degeneration (2Trusted Source10Trusted Source).
  • Phenolic acid: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, phenolic acid may help lower the risk of cancer and heart disease (Source)

The main plant compounds in carrots are:

  • Beta carotene: Orange carrots are very high in beta carotene. The absorption is better (up to 6.5-fold) if the carrots are cooked (20Trusted Source21Trusted Source22Trusted Source).
  • Alpha-carotene: An antioxidant that, like beta carotene, is partly converted into vitamin A in your body.
  • Lutein: One of the most common antioxidants in carrots, lutein is predominantly found in yellow and orange carrots and is important for eye health (23Trusted Source).
  • Lycopene: A bright red antioxidant found in many red fruits and vegetables, including red and purple carrots, lycopene may decrease your risk of cancer and heart disease (24Trusted Source).
  • Polyacetylenes: Recent research has identified bioactive compounds in carrots that may help protect against leukemia and other cancers (1Trusted Source25Trusted Source26Trusted Source).
  • Anthocyanins: These are powerful antioxidants found in dark-colored carrots.


Pesto mixed with olive oil or mayonnaise makes a regular salad special and is the perfect dressing for tuna, chicken, and pasta salads. Our recipe can be used with hamburgers for those who don’t care for mayonnaise or other cream like bases.  Download the ebook or purchase on paperback to learn the recipe.

Go out on a limb and try our lamb burgers. Lamb can be a lean meat, depending on the way it is raised and cut. Pasture-raised leg of lamb and lamb loin are the least fatty cuts.

Lamb is often associated with helping the cardiovascular system, keeping down body fat, and fighting heart disease. It is a good source of vitamin B12, protein, and niacin. It is also a great provider of omega-3 fats. So, if you don’t want to count sheep, switch to lamb —it’s better for you.

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